The Latest
Revised RRLIP Resource Page!
Visit and click on the Resources tab on the Homepage to find helpful resources that support the settlement and integration of newcomers in Regina. Please note that RRLIP staff are currently reviewing some project resources to ensure adherence to copyright laws...
WES Partners with Five Communities Across Canada to Find Solutions to the Skills Shortage
WES Partners with Five Communities Across Canada to Find Solutions to the Skills ShortageCommunities across Canada are struggling to find the talent they need. With the labour force expected to be close to 100 percent dependent on immigration to fuel growth, the communities’ need for...
Community News
In support of the RRLIP's Social Connections Priority, RRLIP staff gather program, service and event information from community organizations, to share in a regularly published e-newsletter. It is called Community News from the RRLIP Project. The findings from the latest Newcomer Survey...
Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) Program Applications Can Now Be Made ONLINE
Applications for the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) program can now be made online. Applicants can submit their SAID applications online 24 hours per day, seven days per week.New applicants can also upload documents and update their personal information without needing to...
Attention Newcomer Youth - Research Participant Opportunity
Attention Newcomer Youth! Newcomer youth from ethnic minority groups are invited to participate in this RESEARCH project: Co-developing mental literacy and self-care resource for racialized newcomer youth in Regina, Saskatchewan: A youth-led participatory action research. What will...
Employment Programs for Newcomers in Regina - Issue #2 Available Now!
Employment Programs for Newcomers in Regina Issue #2 Available Now! Why an Employment Programs Newsletter? The Regina Region Local Immigration Partnership's Newcomer Survey (2022) data identified that almost 33% of the survey respondents were not aware of local employment programs to...
Interfaith Symposium - March 2nd
The University of Regina's Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association is excited to announce their upcoming Interfaith Symposium! Why an Interfaith Symposium? This Interfaith Symposium will raise awareness of commonalities between all faiths and religions. There will be 4 speakers from different...
Training for Groups of Five
For those interested in Group of Five Refugee Sponsorship and live in or around Regina, this workshop may be for you! This workshop will cover all the steps in preparing a Group of Five Sponsorship including: finding the correct forms, filling them out correctly and including...
Newcomer Event - Learn about a Volunteer Opportunity with the RRLIP Project!
The IAT Volunteer Opportunity What is it? How does it support the community? Attend this FREE Newcomer Event to... Learn about the Regina Region Local Immigration Partnership (RRLIP Project) Learn about the Immigrant AdvisoryTable (IAT) Hear from current IAT members Learn how to become...
Are you a Newcomer Facing Challenges in Acquiring your Desired Career in Canada?
Register now for a Career Loans Information Session and learn how to kick-start your career in Canada! Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 from 12 - 12.30 pm MT Register for the info session using the link HERE. About Career Loans: Career Loans a virtual program...