The Latest
Self-Management Class at SSILC
Self-Management Class at SSILC This 3 Day (half day) class will teach people how to make choices and plan for employment. Program highlights... Participants will: Learn how to set realistic goals for employment. Learn how to make and carry out a plan for finding and keeping...
Revised Resource! Riding Regina Transit
Attention Service Providers, Private Sponsors and Others! Please view the revised Riding Regina Transit resource here. Educational Purposes - this resource can be electronically shared and/or printed for use with newcomer clients. Topics addressed include: Paying to Ride the Bus, Getting...
#ImmigrantsWork Project: Aligns Well with Local Immigration Partnership Goals
In 2021, in response to ongoing Canadian labour challenges that were intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic, World Education Services (WES) conducted three simultaneous pilot projects that engaged community partners in mobilizing employers to co-design solutions that support labour market...
TIME SENSITIVE - DEADLINE TO APPLY JULY 12, 2023 The Communicator training program begins the application intake for the COMMUNITY INTERPRETER & TRANSLATOR training (Aug-Nov 2023). Please refer to the attached promo brochure for details. Eligibility requirements: Bilingual...
Community News - Latest Issue Available Now
The Regina Region Local Immigration Partnership (RRLIP Project) strengthens and supports the community’s efforts to welcome, settle and integrate newcomers. In the RRLIP's latest survey, we learned that many newcomers are not aware of local programs, services and events, resulting...
Employment Programs for Newcomers in Regina - Issue #4 Available Now!
Read the latest issue of Employment Programs for Newcomers in Regina The Regina Region Local Immigration Partnership's Newcomer Survey (2022) data identified that almost 33% of the survey respondents were not aware of local employment programs to help them prepare for work or to find...
Funding Opportunities
The Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat is committed to a collective effort toward eliminating all forms of systematic racism, discrimination and hate in Canada. The funding opportunities outlined below may be helpful to Regina agencies considering ways to address racism and discrimination in...
Community News - Latest Issue Available Now
The Regina Region Local Immigration Partnership (RRLIP Project) strengthens and supports the community’s efforts to welcome, settle and integrate newcomers. In the RRLIP's latest survey, we learned that many newcomers are not aware of local programs, services and events, resulting...
Special Awareness Days in June
There are many special awareness days throughout the year. In the month of June alone, these events are occurring: · National Indigenous History Month (June) · World Refugee Day (June 20th) · National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21st) · ...
Survey Open Now! We Want to Hear From You!
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!Survey Focus: The Mental and Emotional Wellness of Newcomers In Regina, Saskatchewan Who Should Take This Survey? Any individual who is...- 15 years of age and older- born outside of Canada - currently living in Regina, Saskatchewan SURVEY LINK (about...