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RSTP Training Sessions
Training opportunities delivered by Helen from theRefugee Sponsorship Training Program (RSTP) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, 2023, 3 P.M. - 5 P.M. CST, Helen (RSTP) will deliver a hybrid training entitled, "THOSE CRUCIAL IN-BETWEEN TIMES: ENSURE A SMOOTH TRANSITION". People may attend in person at...
Friendly Calls Program
In the RRLIP's most recent Newcomer Survey, the findings indicated that newcomers had a desire to connect with individuals from their own cultural communities and also with individuals from other cultures and life experiences. Some survey respondents commented about the loneliness and...
Survey for Regina's Rental Housing Providers - Deadline Extended to Oct 31st!
BRIEF Survey for all Rental Housing Providers in Regina - Deadline Extended to Oct 31st, 2023 In collaboration with a local settlement agency and the SKLA, the Regina Region Local Immigration Partnership (RRLIP Project) has launched a brief survey for all rental housing providers...
Disability Employment Awareness Month
In Saskatchewan and other provinces, the month of October was officially declared Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM) in 2011. Since that time, employment service providers and other community organizations have advanced DEAM through the coordination of activites that engage employers,...
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - Sept 28th, 2023
The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is an important day in Canada - holding great significance for survivors and communities affected by the Indian residential school system. The day commemorates the history and legacy of residential schools, and honors the resilience, dignity,...
Jobs and Careers in the Transportation Sector
Canada’s transportation sector is hiring, with jobs in trucking, aviation, marine and rail. Transport Canada has built a one-stop website for all information on jobs in the sector, including what jobs are available, the skills and training required, and direct links to Job...
Unique Job Fair - All About Living and Working in Rural Sask!
Rural Sask: Work, Live and Thrive Attend this unique job fair event to learn about the work and living opportunities available in rural Sask. When: Oct 11th, 2023 Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: DoubleTree Hotel, 1975 Broad Street For more information and registration details, see POSTER....
SSILC is offering two helpful and practical courses very soon: Job Finding Club - running three mornings for two weeks Goal Setting - running 3 afternoons, with two of those afternoons coinciding with the Job Finding Club SSILC believes this is a wonderful way for clients to...
New 3 Year Pilot Program Implemented by the Federal Government
The federal government introduced a new three-year pilot program that will incentivize employers to follow worker-protection rules by making it easier for them to hire temporary foreign workers. Randy Boissonnault, the recently appointed Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and...
Learn about Services and Resources Available to Individuals Living with Physical Disabilities
SCI Sask is a provincial community-based organization that delivers services across the province. The mission of SCI Sask is to assist individuals living with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities to achieve independence, self-reliance, and full community participation. ...