Upcoming Employment Programs and Events

One of the RRLIP's key priorities is supporting employment and labour market services for newcomers in Regina. In support of this priority, we are happy to share these upcoming events offered by some of our community partners:
Regina Open Door Society (RODS) Employment Services
Employment Readiness Workshops - Mar. 4-28th (various topics each week)
- online/in person
- accessible to all newcomers to Canada (focusing on but not limited to newcomers within the past 5 years)
- aged 16 and above who experience cultural and or language/ literacy barriers to employment.
- require the language proficiency of CLB4+ (daytime workshops), and CLB3+ (evening workshops)
Registration/intake form. Poster. For more information, email [email protected] or call 306-352-3521.
Tech Skills Showcase - March 13th 8 am - 7 pm at Innovation Place (10 Research Dr.)
View webpage for more information on this and other upcoming RODS events, or
email [email protected] or [email protected] or phone 306-352-3521.
Employer Registration form
Participant Registration form
Regina Work Prep Centre (RWPC)
Hiring Event - March 13 from 10 am to 2 pm at RWPC office located at 2020 Halifax Street.
No registration required. View poster. For more info, please call 306-757-9096.
In Motion & Momentum+ (IM&M+) - career readiness program
"supports you to move in a way that feels good, taps into your full potential, and creates the life you want to live.”
The program is best suited for people who:
- are feeling “stuck”
- Want to make changes in their life
- Want support in making decisions that are right for them
- Enjoy group support and learning
For more information, email Cindy [email protected] or Sajida [email protected] or call 306-757-9096.
Watch a short video of past IM&M+ participants. View poster.