Report: Conference Board of Canada - Understanding the Perspective of Black-Canadians in the Workplace

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Report: Conference Board of Canada - Understanding the Perspective of Black-Canadians in the Workplace

Bridging the Gap Between Identity and Social and Emotional Skills: Black Canadians’ Perspectives of Social and Emotional Skills in the Workplace

Understanding the Perspective of Black-Canadians in the Workplace
The changing nature of work is increasing the demand for social and emotional skills (SES), but research into SES in Canada lacks a diversity lens. 

In partnership with the Future Skills Centre, the Conference Board of Canada conducted research to examine how Black professionals perceive the development, expression, and evaluation of social and emotional skills at work.

This issue briefing reveals how Black professionals perceive the development, expression, and evaluation of social and emotional skills at work.

This research project was initiated to address the critical need for a diversity lens in Canadian social and emotional skills (SES) research. The objectives of the research were to:

- understand the similarities and differences between Black Canadians’ and non-Black Canadians’ experiences of SES.
- establish if and how Black professionals perceive discrimination as impacting the development and assessment of their SES. 
