Happy Holidays 2024

The RRLIP wishes everyone safe and happy holidays.
We hope you enjoy the rest of this year and all the festivities this season may bring.
The Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan (MCoS) has a Multifaith Calendar that features beautiful art by SK artists and shares holidays celebrated in different cultures and faiths. Order the 2025 calendar.
If you're looking for some fun and interesting winter activities to do, you might check out the City of Regina's Winter/Spring Leisure Guide.
Also, the City of Regina offers Inclusive and Adapted Programs and Services.
Everyone has the right to recreation. The City of Regina strives to provide opportunities where all individuals are welcomed, accepted, and included to participate and play together. We are committed to providing a variety of inclusive & adapted programs that are safe and accessible for everyone to enjoy.
Winter Safety Information:
Be Prepared for Winter Weather and Winter Safety Indoors and Out - Environment Canada
Winter Safety for kids and parents - SK Prevention Institute
Tips for Workplace Safety - Canadian Safety Training Centre
Mental Health and Wellness Contact List - Regina Police Service