Black History Month Events

Each year, Black History Month is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of Black communities in Canada, listen to their stories, and learn more about their history and contributions to Canadian society.
The month of February gives us all the chance to celebrate the diversity and achievements of Black people in Canada. However, it is also a time to reflect on Canada’s painful history and the distinct challenges that Black people in Canada continue to face in their daily lives, such as systemic barriers, racism and discrimination.
RRLIP is pleased to share a line up of events regarding Black History Month offered in the community:
- The Government of Canada News Release
- Communauté des Africains Francophones de la Saskatchewan Inc. (CAFS) activities
- Saskatchewan African Canadian Heritage Museum (SACHM) series of event
- Regina Public Library (RPL) Artist Talk and Opening Reception & Black History Month Celebration
The Cultural Bridging priority is supported by the RRLIPs Anti-Racism/Discrimination Working Group (AR/D Working Group). The AR/D Working Group has coordinated various learning opportunities for its members and the broader community.