National Youth Advisory Committee for the RCMP is Recruiting. Apply Now!

Posted in Community Programs / Youth

National Youth Advisory Committee for the RCMP is Recruiting.  Apply Now!

An opportunity for youth to share their ideas!  

The RCMP is currently recruiting for this year’s National Youth Advisory Committee!

If you know of youth between the ages of 13-21, from a variety of cultures and backgrounds, interested in sharing their views and opinions with the RCMP, now is their chance to apply. There will be 125 youth on the Committee.  

Commitment involves 2-4 hours per month from October 2021 to June, 2022.

Members meet on a moderated closed Facebook group to discuss youth trends, RCMP programs and youth crime and victim issues. Discussion includes topics such as:
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- Online safety
- Transportation safety and impaired driving
- Cannabis and substance use
- Mental health
- Healthy relationships and sexual consent
- Gender and sexual diversity
- Reconciliation

To apply, youth should request an application form by email: [email protected] 

The deadline for applications is September 10th, 2021.  


Visit the link for more information! 



