Saskatchewan Food Security Survey! Please Share Your Thoughts and Ideas!

Posted in Community Programs

Saskatchewan Food Security Survey!  Please Share Your Thoughts and Ideas!

Heritage Saskatchewan, together with the University of Regina and the Royal Saskatchewan Museum are conducting a food security study and need your help!

All residents of Saskatchewan are invited to participate in a survey, which includes questions about food issues in your community.

We are interested in how people produce, access, and consume food.
We are also interested in the relationship between food, Saskatchewan cultures, and local environments. The findings from this study will provide important information about food security in our province and may be used to inform food policy.

Read more about it on the Heritage Saskatchewan Blog, and visit the link below to participate.

Food Security Survey
This survey is part of a larger project called “Fostering food security through local cultures: Living heritage insights from rural Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.” As part of this larger study, interested groups will be invited to be part of a focus group discussion and encouraged to identify local insect pollinators and the habitats they depend on. If you are interested in contributing to the focus groups and/or the pollinator study, please get in touch with us by [date]. Note that contacting us may limit your anonymity.

This study is being conducted by researchers at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum and the University of Regina, in collaboration with Heritage Saskatchewan. The research team includes:

• Dr. Glenn Sutter, Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies and Curator of Human Ecology, Royal Saskatchewan Museum - [email protected], ph (306) 787-2859

• Dr. Amber Fletcher, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Studies - [email protected], ph (306) 502-0115

• Ingrid Cazakoff, CEO, Heritage Saskatchewan

• Kristin Catherwood, Director of Living Heritage, Heritage Saskatchewan

• Ebube Ogie, Graduate Student Research Assistant

• Katie Bird, Undergraduate Research Assistant

The larger project aims to document and mobilize knowledge about local food security challenges and opportunities, ultimately developing recommendations that will inform policy and guide advocacy on this topic.

In partnership with Heritage Saskatchewan and with a focus on rural Indigenous and settler communities, we will be asking: whether Saskatchewan producers, consumers, and agricultural organizations are concerned about food security and, if so, to what extent; what policies would help to alleviate their concerns; and what tangible steps can communities take to enhance the resilience of local food systems.

To see the complete article, click here: 

For more info or if  you have any questions, you can contact Dr Glenn Sutter and his research team at (306) 787-2859, or email [email protected]
