Cultural Awareness Training - August 11th. Register now!

Posted in Community Programs

Cultural Awareness Training - August 11th. Register now!

Regina Open Door Society provides free Cultural Awareness Training for the community. They are available to do specific sessions for the private sector, public institutions and community agencies, according to participant needs. 

The next public training session is Wednesday August 11, from 1:30 - 3:00 pm via Zoom.  

The training covers four main sections: newcomer statistics & terminology, the newcomer experience, tools for working with newcomers, and how to assist newcomers in their settlement and integration.

Sub-topics include: culture, culture shock, bridging cultural barriers among Canada’s diverse populations, newcomers’ contributions, and effective communication techniques.

At this time, training is offered through an interactive Zoom workshop, using videos, questions for discussion, and two interactive activities to deliver the material. 

To register for August 11th, click here: 


For more information, or to set up a Cultural Awareness Training session for your business, organization or group, contact:

Regina Open Door Society Inc. (RODS)

4th Floor, 2220 12th Avenue

Regina, SK, S4P 0M8

(306) 352-3500

Email: [email protected]   or 
