Upcoming Employment Programs

RRLIP is please to share the following Employment Programs:
Youth Job Findings Club by Rooted Connections
When: May 23, 2024, from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM.
Where: Rooted Connections, 160 McIntosh Street, Regina, SK S4R4Z4
Who can attend: Permanent Resident, Open Work Permit or Refugee. Age: 16 - 24
To register Email:[email protected]
Bring your resume on USB
For more information see the poster
Employment Readiness workshops by Regina Open Door Society (RODS)
When: starting on June 3rd, 2024
Where: Hybrid (In-person and online)
Who can attend: accessible to all newcomers to Canada (focusing on but not limited to newcomers within the past 5 years),
Age: 16 and above who experience cultural and or language/ literacy barriers to employment.
Daytime workshops require the language proficiency of CLB4+, and evening workshops require CLB3+
If they don't have an Employment Counselor, register here: https://rods.sk.ca/programs/employment/employment-services-registration-form
Contact phone: (306)-352-3521 or email us at: [email protected]
For more information see the poster
One of the RRLIP's key priorities is supporting employment and labour market services for newcomers in Regina. In support of this priority, we are happy to share this event offered by our community partner.