Upcoming Employment Events

The RRLIP is pleased to share the following employment programs in June:
South Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre (SSILC)
Goal Setting: This class will focus on understanding the steps involved in defining and reaching your goals.
Program Dates: Wednesdays-June 11, June 18, and June 25, 2024
Time: 10:00 am to 12 Noon
Location: South Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre (SSILC), 349 Albert Street
Eligibility Requirements: Participants will have the self-management skills necessary to engage in the class.
How to register: Contact Maggie at 306-533-7202 or [email protected]
For more information please see the poster
Regina Open Door Society (RODS)
Food Safe Workshop: Food Safe Level 1 is a food-handling, sanitation and work safety course designed for frontline food service workers.
Program Dates: June 17–20, 2024
Time: 12:00-4:00 PM
Eligibility Requirements:
- Open for all newcomers to Canada (focusing on but not limited to newcomers within the past 5 years)
- Aged 16 and above, who experience cultural, and or language/ literacy barriers to employment.
- CLB 3+ in English proficiency and need to register with employment services for workshop enrolment.
How to register: If they don't have an Employment Counselor, register here: https://rods.sk.ca/programs/ employment/employment- services-registration-form/ or contact (306)-352-3521 or email us at [email protected].
For more information please see the poster
This workshop prepares clients for the Food Safe Certification exam by presenting relevant knowledge and practical skills. Clients who complete the workshop will be eligible for the certification exam on June 21, 2024, from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
One of the RRLIP's key priorities is supporting employment and labour market services for newcomers in Regina. In support of this priority, we are happy to share this event offered by our community partner.