Employment Programs for Newcomers in Regina - Issue #2 Available Now!

Posted in Community Programs / RRLIP Project News

Employment Programs for Newcomers in Regina 

Issue #2 Available Now!


Why an Employment Programs Newsletter?

The Regina Region Local Immigration Partnership's Newcomer Survey (2022) data identified that almost 33% of the survey respondents were not aware of local employment programs to help them prepare for work or to find a job.

In response to this identified information gap, the RRLIP's Labour Market Working Group has committed to collaborating on the development of this newsletter resource, to raise awareness about the employment program supports available to newcomers. In each quarterly newsletter, you will learn about local employment programs and how to access them.


*Thank you to the content contributors for this issue of 

Employment Programs for Newcomers in Regina:

CFS Regina, CÉCS, RODS, RPL, Sask PolyTechnic and UCC Sask.
