2SLGBTQIA+ (Gender and Sexual Diversity) Pride

Happy Pride!!!
In addition to June being National Indigenous History Month and including other cultural observances, June is also when gender and sexual diversity - or 2SLGBTQQIAAP+ Pride - is celebrated in Regina, as it is in many other parts of Canada and around the world.
Gender and sexual diversity is not a new concept or form of human experience and relationship. This and other types of diversity exist across many cultures and nations.
Various cultures include people with diverse gender and sexual identities and ways of expressing those identities, as well as many ways of showing love, caring for each other and participating in community and family relationships (and not all of these are sexual relationships - it's not all/only about sex!). In this part of the world, Indigenous nations across Turtle Island (colonially known as North America) have recognized more than two genders since long before first contact with European and other nations and cultures, and in many cultures, gender diversity and fluidity is not only recognized but respected and honoured.
So what do all these letters, numbers, and other symbols mean?
See this glossary of terms recognized by the Government of Canada and/or watch this short CBC Kids News video.
Whether you identify yourself with one of these terms or not, it is important (and protected by Canadian law) to respect other people's identities, including gender and sexual identity. And Pride is all about celebrating the many ways that people identify, express themselves, and relate to each other.
What Pride events are happening in Regina this year? How can we celebrate?
There are many different Pride events happening in Regina in month. Most are organized by Queen City Pride (QC Pride or Regina Pride, Inc.), a local non-profit organization. Visit the QC Pride website to find a list of events for all ages and identities, including (but not at all limited to) the annual Pride parade and OUT in the Park on Sat., June 15th. Please contact Queen City Pride with any questions or for more information.
The RRLIP wishes Reginans of all genders and sexual identities a very Happy Pride!